Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Widow Wager - Jess Michaels ~ Book and Audio Book ~ *** ~Review in English~

I really really enjoyed listening to the audio books of 

the Relentless-Series by Karen Lynch and Witches by  Ednah Walters so I thought I might give some 

others a chance as well. One of them was one of my favorite historical romances:



Crispin Flynn has been on a downward spiral ever since he lost the woman he loved and watched his brother forced into a life he never would have chosen. His response has been drinking and gambling his way to utter ruin. One night, deep in his cups, he places a dangerous bet that results in him being forced to marry Gemma, the widow of the Earl of Laurelcross.
Gemma once had a passionate side, but has been hiding it ever since her much older husband died during the act of making love. Now she finds herself the much unwanted wife of one of the biggest libertines in London and the subject of even more gossip than ever.
Once they determine they cannot escape the marriage, the two begin a slow circling of each other. Passion is easy, but can they overcome mistrust and secrets in order to make the worst night of their lives one of their best? Or are they bound to lose each other before their love can take root?
This book can be read and heard as a stand-alone novel but is part of The Notorious Flynns series.

I love the historical romances by Jess Michaels, because they are well written, witty, sensual and you can find some amazing characters in them. Actually I love the whole Flynn-Family, they are loyal and protectice, fun loving and open-minded and they'd never judge a person by his or her social class. 

The book The Widow Wager finds Crispin Flynn in quite a mess - who ends up married because of a wager?!? And he doesn't just end up married but...well, that was definetely a one-of-a-kind-wedding, wasn't it? If he could remember it at least....
Gemma isn't too thrilled by finding herself wed - again. In her experience marriage is definetely not all guns and roses, on the contrary, it can be pretty nasty. 
Nevertheless the two find themselves wed and try to make the best of it and, well, the Flynns being the Flynns, making the best of love and marriage ends up being pretty good. 
Gemma is most charming, sensual and lovable and Crispin, at least when I don't feel like kicking him for making things way more complicated than necessary, is also loyal to a fault, as charming as a rogue can be and unfortunately he is also rather troubled. Now it is up to Gemma to show him that life goes on and love as well!

So, this book is one that I really like a lot which means that I've read several times already and will read numerous times again, a total five-star book. 


BUT -  I must admit that the audio book wasn't all those guns and roses for me either. After a while I always had to stop because the narrator was just a bit too enthusiastic and a bit too breathlessly-sighing-whatevering when I expected Gemma to be shaken and not used to being treated politely or with respact but much tougher than the feeling I got from the narrator. Soooo....this book is a bit of a stop-and-go story for me, I always have to have break after a while whereas with other audio books I sometimes find myself carrying my bluetooth box around (reminds me of those good ol' times in the age of the "ghetto-blaster" ;) ) , mobile in my pocket, not missing a single word of the story. Not in this case. I still love the story and I'll finish it but it doesn't keep me glued to this box reliving the story, dreaming of my beloved heroes and heroines.... nope. Not really bad but...well, ...the way it is told it is not entirely my cup of tea either. That makes it three stars for the audio book.


The Widow wager by Jess Michaels

Audio book

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Das große Bärenbilderbuch von Jane Hissey

Und wo ich doch gerade bei Bären war:

Das große Bärenbilderbuch von Jane Hissey
Verlag: Ravensburger Buchverlag
ISBN: 9783473333769

 Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

Dieses liebevoll gestaltete Buch mit seinen unwahrscheinlich lustigen und niedlichen Geschichten über den kleinen Bären und seine absolut liebenswerten Freunde, hat uns über lange Jahre begleitet. Momentan wird es zwar nicht mehr so oft gelesen, da meine Töchter mittlerweile schon lange im Teenageralter sind, aber ab und an ziehe ich es doch immer noch mal wieder aus dem Regal und stöbere ein bisschen in den Geschichten.

Der eifrige, kleine Bär, die ewig pessimistische Ente, der weise alte Bär oder irgendeine der anderen Figuren, sie sind alle sehr warm und herzlich gestaltet, ob von den Zeichnungen her oder von ihrem Charakter und ihrem Verhalten.

Die Geschichten sind einfach schön, ob der alte Bär vom Dachboden oder die Giraffe aus dem Karton befreit werden die Hose des kleinen Bären gesucht wird oder gar der kleine Bär ganz verschwunden ist, immer arbeiten die Freunde zusammen, jeder trägt auf seine eigene unverkennbare Art und Weise zum Geschehen bei und letztlich wird immer wieder deutlich, wie sehr sie aneinander hängen und sich ganz selbstverständlich helfen. Das sind Stofftiere, wie sie sich jedes Kind wünscht - und mit viel Fantasie auch selber zu Hause haben kann.

Meine Töchter und ich haben dieses Buch, dessen einzelne Geschichten auch gesondert erschienen sind, sehr geliebt und selber auch schon verschenkt, weil wir es so schön fanden, ich kann es also auf jeden Fall empfehlen!




Ein bäriger Gruß zum Sonntag - Jetzt auch mit Puzzle/Jigsaw

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Amy's Choice - Betty Bolte


Without a goodbye, Amy Abernathy's childhood sweetheart, Benjamin Hanson, leaves to fight in the American War for Independence. Amy chooses to pick up the pieces of her heart and leave Charles Town to help her sister who is with child.

Benjamin knows he hurt Amy, but he plans to make it up to her after his mission is completed. Then he learns that Amy has been captured by renegade soldiers. Now Benjamin faces his own choice: free the sassy yet obstinate woman he's never stopped loving or protect Charles Town from vengeful British occupation.

Nun ja, irgendwie wurde ich mit den Charakteren dieses Buches nicht wirklich warm. Ben hat Amy ohne ein Wort verlassen, als sie dachte, dass er kurz davor stünde, DIE Frage zu stellen, blieb jahrelang weg, ohne sich zu melden und wundert sich, dass sie etwas ....sagen wir mal ... zurückhaltend... ist, als er auf einmal wieder vor der Tür steht.

Davon abgesehen, dass sich auch im Hintergrund noch einiges abspielt, was eher ein wenig verwirrend ist, als zur Handlung wirklich beizutragen, irritierte  Amy mich dadurch, dass sie sich permanent wiederholt, ohne wirklich überzeugend zu wirken, wobei sie, das muss ich fairerweise sagen, insgesamt ein erfreulich tougher und selbstständiger Charakter ist. Letzteres stellt allerdings in Bens Augen wiederum ein Problem dar, der der Meinung ist, dass eine Frau begeistert sein muss, dass sie im Zuge der Hochzeit gleich ihren Verstand an der Kirchentür abgeben und in Rente schicken darf, weil er eh nicht mehr benötigt wird. Fürs Denken ist ja jetzt immerhin dann der Mann da, der mit liebevoller Bestimmtheit das arme verirrte Hühnchen auf den richtigen Weg leitet - oder so.

Nachdem Amy das klar wird, beziehungsweise auch schon auf Grund der unschönen Erziehungsmethoden ihres Schwagers, der meint, sein verirrtes Hühnchen ein wenig handfester auf den richtigen Weg bringen zu müssen, weigert sie sich nicht nur, sich von Ben umwerben zu lassen, sondern lehnt eine Ehe generell und überhaupt und ganz und gar ab. Bis zum ersten Kuss. Okay, es kann auch der zweite gewesen sein. Ab da kämpft sie dann mit sich und den widrigen Umständen und zwischendurch auch gegen ein paar handfeste reale Gefahren.
Währenddessen wird Ben ganz allmählich ein wenig vernünftiger und weniger arrogant, es braucht dann aber doch noch akute Lebensgefahr, schussfeste - äh, nein, zielsichere Hühnchen und ein magisches Schmuckstück, um alle Zweifel auszuräumen und den Beiden den Weg in eine glückliche Zukunft zu öffnen.

Nun ja. Vermutlich klingt das jetzt extrem kritisch, ist es auch, allerdings bekommt das Buch dennoch knappe drei Sterne von mir, weil es insgesamt gut und flüssig geschrieben und auf seine Weise unterhaltsam ist, auch wenn ich die meiste Zeit am Schimpfen und genervt Aufstöhnen war.

Mir fehlten eine klare Linie, eine für mich nachvollziehbare Entwicklung, warum sich alles zum Guten wendet im Hinblick auf die Gefühle der Beiden (Sorry, aber ein magisches Schmuckstück, das das bewirkt? Echt jetzt? Nichts gegen Magie und dergleichen, aber das erschien mir hier eher wie der bekannte Kastenteufel, der rausspringt, damit der Autor die Kurve kriegt und die beiden Protagonisten sich endlich kriegen können.)
Auch die Nebenfiguren waren in meinen Augen nicht konsequent ausgeführt und die wenigsten sind wirklich sympathisch.

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for an honest review.*

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Spirit of the Eagle (The Soul Survivors Series, Book 2) - Vella Munn



The Modoc Indians have fled the reservation, putting local settlers on edge and prompting the arrival of Army advisor Jed Britton.

Luash, a young Modoc tribeswoman and the voice of the Modoc Eagle Spirit, speaks English and is chosen as Jed's interpreter.

Luash distrusts white men, Jed in particular, and intends to fight him and his bureaucracy to protect her people's traditional way of life.

Jed, who was nearly scalped by the Sioux during an attack that claimed his best friend, loathes Indians.

But as the pair clash in a fiery war of wills both come to realize that neither can win until they commit themselves to securing a new future for the Modoc and submit to the mutual love taking root in their hearts. 

Puh, bei diesem Buch bin ich sehr zwiegespalten, auch wenn ich es grundsätzlich wirklich gut finde. Einerseits fand ich es faszinierend und mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen geschrieben, aber leider recht langatmig, gerade auch durch diese eigentlich positiven Aspekte. Andererseits empfand ich die Geschichte um die beiden Protagonisten, die sich allen Widerständen und auch dem eigenen Willen zum Trotz langsam, sehr (sehr, sehr) langsam einander annähern, sehr authentisch und überzeugend, dabei aber auch in ihrer offensichtlichen Hoffnungslosigkeit auch sehr berührend.

Wer hier Romantik erwartet und heldenhafte Indianer oder den "Lonesome Cowboy", der irgendwann dann nicht mehr alleine, sondern mit der schönen Maid an seiner Seite gen Sonnenuntergang reitet, der ist hier falsch. Hier findet sich viel bittere Realität auf beiden Seiten, ob es der gnadenlose Vernichtungskampf gegen die Indianer ist oder die Taten der Indianer, die bei Winnetou auch noch irgendwie ein wenig romantischer verklärt waren - hier wird deutlich gezeigt, dass in so einem Kampf letztlich keiner gewinnt, zumindest nicht, ohne bittere Verluste hinnehmen zu müssen und dass es keine Gerechtigkeit gibt.
Auch der Umgang mit den Indianern, die sich ergeben hatten oder den Weissen ausgeliefert waren, wird hier sehr deutlich thematisiert - und es ist nichts, was die Weissen in einem rosigen Licht erscheinen lässt.

Wer Interesse an indianischer Geschichte und dem Glauben der Indianer, in diesem Fall speziell den Modoc, hat. ist hier richtig und findet eine recht schonungslose und realitätsnahe Darstellung des sogenannten Modoc-Kriegs, der von 1872 bis 1873 stattfand und in dem zeitweilig 60 indianische Kämpfer 600 (!) Angehörigen der Armee gegenüber standen.

In diese reale Geschichte, ist die Geschichte unserer Protagonisten eingebunden, die sich eher widerstrebend einander annähern und ohne es zu wollen, immer mehr erkennen müssen, wieviel der andere ihnen bedeutet. Jed, ein amerikanischer Soldat, ist gezeichnet von den Erfahrungen, die er im blutigen Krieg gegen die Indianer machen musste, während Luash, eine junge Modoc, die Nichte von "Captain Jack", dem Anführer der Modoc im Modoc-Krieg, den Kampf gegen ihren Stamm miterlebt und sich dennoch immer wieder eingestehen muss, dass sie sich zu Jed hingezogen fühlt. Die Verluste auf beiden Seiten, treiben immer wieder einen Keil zwischen die Beiden, trotzdem finden sie immer wieder zueinander.

Diese starken, nachvollziehbar dargestellten Gefühle mit all den dazugehörigen Konflikten und Zweifeln, machen die Liebe der beiden zu etwas Besonderem, wobei dank des historischen Hintergrundes nie die Gefahr besteht, dass die Geschichte ins Kitschige abrutscht.

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for an honest review.*




Sunday, 22 May 2016

Fashion In The Time Of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) - Melinda Camber Porter


Fashion in the Time of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) was a hand written thirty-four page document on eight inch by twelve inch lined British school tablet paper with thirty-one separate drawings on white paper by Melinda Camber Porter. Each drawing was cut out and glued into document. The seventeen page document on two sides was bound by pink yarn tied through two holes on the left side as the binding. Melinda Camber Porter wrote and illustrated this book as a school report in Second Grade (Class 2), where she attended The City of London School for Girls. Her teacher (unnamed) gave her a grade of A and commented, ‘Where did you find such descriptive material.’ We will never know, but Melinda’s reference material appears to originate from the great British fashion writer and illustrator of the 1930s, Dion Clayton Calthrop, who wrote and illustrate many books on English fashion from 1050 A.D. to 1750 A.D. This publication, Fashion in the Time of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) is typed from the original hand written text and includes reproductions of Melinda Camber Porter’s original drawings. The book encourages young women and men to sketch and write about their favorite fashions and inspirations. The book also serves as a piece of history for The City of London School for Girls, and includes photos and awards of Melinda Camber Porter in the appendices. The City of London School for Girls has moved twice since the early 1960s as many records from Melinda’s time at the school (1958-1971) are no longer available. Mr. Robbie Lyle, who had known Melinda Camber Porter since their Oxford University days, provides background in the Foreward on the clothing in the time of Queen Elizabeth I and memories of Melinda Camber Porter.

This book being a representation of Melinda Camber Porter's school work about Fashion in the time of Elizabeth I, you shouldn't expect professional pictures to illustrate it. Nevertheless it is an interesting collection that provides a lot of intersting and very detailed information about fashion at that time.
The drawings aren't professional but they are very descriptive and really well done, so you won't get the impression of looking at some kid's first attempts. There is quote a number of them, explaining about the clothes of men, women and children in different social situations and in different social positions.
The drawings are explained extensively and you get a really good impression of the gowns and other clothes and their use.
In addition to that, there are also interesting details about Melinda Camber Porter herself and picutres of her and her family and her certifications as well as a gloassary and photos of sewing implements used at that time.
I liked the book, it is interesting and informative and of course, reading many many historical books, I always love to find out more about the people and their lives in those times, which includes the clothes they wear and the customs concerning clothes.




Friday, 20 May 2016

Closer To Sin - Elizabeth Squire


 Liliane Desailly travels to Napoleonic France after receiving a plea for help from her French cousin. She learns she is the key to fulfilling her grandfather’s legacy, but to do so she must masquerade as a spy and courier secrets on behalf of the British Admiralty.
Sinclair Charlcroft is the British Admiralty’s last hope. Napoleon’s Grande Armée is poised to invade Britain, an English spy is missing and a traitor has infiltrated the Admiralty’s intelligence network.
Pursued by Napoleon’s agents, Liliane and Sinclair cannot reveal their true identities until they unlock the secrets of the legacy — and only then can they unlock the secrets in their hearts.

I read many many historical romances and they often make me think about the time and the people living in those times. Every now and then there is a book with a setting that is a bit different and that challenges me to find out more about that time. This is something that I like about this book as well as it is set in France at the time when Napoleon threatened to invade Britain. A story about spies and counterspies and about two people falling in love even though they know that this liason can't be. And when they finally reunite they have to fight for their chance at happiness.

Yeah, right, it is not a completely new storyline or something very outlandish, that's true but the effect of it is rather fresh and novel and I really like that. It is well written, vividly discribed and has some great characters to top it off.

I read many many historical romances and they often make me think about the time and the people living in those times. Every now and then there is a book with a setting that is a bit different and that challenges me to find out more about that time. This is something that I like about this book as well as it is set in France at the time when Napoleon threatened to invade Britain. A story about spies and counterspies and about two people falling in love even though they know that this liason can't be. And when they finally reunite they have to fight for their chance at happiness.

Yeah, right, it is not a completely new storyline or something very outlandish, that's true but the effect of it is rather fresh and novel and I really like that. It is well written, vividly discribed and has some great characters to top it off.

Liliane and Sinclair meet in France, when Liliane's cousin Solange, a spy for the british, sends Liliane on a secret mission with Sin in her stead, Having traveled half of France together and getting in the one or the other hazardous situation along the way leads to a rather tight bond - especially when circumstances arise that definitely solidify this bond. Back in society both have to figure out what they mean to each other and , well then there's the question of Freddy Parker....nice and proper - and of course very eligible Freddy Parker who has offered for Liliane.

On the whole the book was highly entertaining, fast-paced, gripping and I really enjoyed reading it.




Love Lessons At Midnight (House Of Dreams) by Shirl Henke


The Student
Robert St, John flees a disastrous marriage to fight Bonaparte, but when the young widower inherits an earldom, he must remarry and produce an heir. There will be no more cold marriage beds. Rob nervously applies to the infamous bordello, The House of Dreams, for a teacher in the art of pleasing a woman.
The Teacher
The mysterious, aristocratic Lady Fantasia, mistress of The House of Dreams, is intrigued. Why should a man as beautiful as a dark angel need instructions in the arts of passion? Even as she taunts him with her sharp tongue, she agrees to find him a tutor.
A Dangerous Curriculum
Rob is torn between Gabrielle, the passionate nymph who comes to him in midnight darkness, bringing ecstasy and understanding. She sates his body and heals his heart. By day, the stunning cherry-haired Fantasisa, with her provocative wit, stimulates his mind and challenges his intellect. But the earl doesn’t know that Gabrielle and Fantasia are the same woman—Amber Leighigh, the runaway Marchioness of Eastham whose insane husband stalks her to teach her his own vengeful lessons... His will not be…
Love Lessons at Midnight.

"Love Lessons at Midnight" really surprised me - in a very positive sense. Before I started to read it I wasn't sure whether it would be a romance or rather an erotic romance. Yes, there are explicit but tastefully described sensual scenes but it is also a very romantic book with wonderful and interesting characters. Well written, well constructed and

I loved to see how those two characters, both wounded, both vulnerable, but nevertheless trying to overcome their fears.
Rob comes to The House of Dreams because his desastrous first marriage makes him want to learn how to pleasure a woman. Lady Fantasia, the mistress of the House of Dreams, agrees to find him a tutor, Gabrielle. Gabrielle's experience with love making is one of pain and fear. These two set out to find out together how to find peasure in the act of love. Enjoying Gabrielle and their lessons at midnight and Lady Fantasia's sharp witted and intelligent company by day, Rob starts to realize what he has been missing in his life. When Lady Fantasia is threatened by her cruel and depraved husband whom she left years ago, Rob is at her side but - will that be enough to protect her from the wrath of this madman?

I was captivated by this unusual story with its wonderful characters and even though Rob was a bit too slow to realize what really counts and what he really feels, I won't hold that against him, as in the end he did it and despite some twists and turns that kept me on my toes and got me a teeny tiny bit worried, I got my HEA in the end and soooo..... all is well and I can recommend this book as I really liked it!




Thursday, 19 May 2016

His Country Bride - Debra Holt



"Sheriff's Department! Raise your hands above your head and don't move."
She’s a runaway bride who left her two-timing fiance at the altar. He’s a county sheriff determined to keep the peace in his country and leave city girls alone after his own fiance left him for the bright lights of the city. Neither of them planned on running straight into each other...over a burning wedding dress.

Ellie and Lucas planned on never trusting their hearts to love again. When danger follows her from the city, the sheriff must do his duty to protect her. However, it isn’t long before he discovers the real danger may be to his heart. Ellie just might teach him that even a city girl can be a country girl at heart.

This book was really great!  I had so much fun reading it, more than once laughing out loud while reading and the next moment sighing, smiling goofily or getting a bit...furious... with a certain somebody and his thickheadedness.

Right from the beginning the book and its characters captivated me, starting at the first page with Ellie being armed with not much more than her considerable (albeit in this case somewhat, well, spirit... - alright, tipsy...) charme and an almost empty bottle of champagne  and Lucas, who is politely refraining from asking her to produce an ID for rather obvious reasons.

I loved this scene which set the pace and the mood for the rest of the book and I loved Ellie and Lucas, even though after a while Lucas insistence to remain professional got on my nerves. He didn't succeed at remaining professional, at least not at all times but not for lack of trying.
Apart from that it is a wonderful book, humorous and well written with a good story. The hero and the heroine are well developed and authentic but the minor characters are amazing as well.

When Ellie fled from her own wedding to the country after having found her future husband in a somewhat delicate and higly inappropriate situation, she never imagined that she would soon be arrested by the (much-too-gorgeous looking
) Sheriff of Joshua County. On the other hand, when Lucas saw Ellie for the first time he didn't know how much trouble would follow her - even though this first impression was already rather memorable. Unfortunately her former husband-to-be didn't approve of her decision to leave him and Lucas and the other people of Joshua Creek have to work hard to keep Ellie safe...

Fast-paced, romantic, funny - I love this book!





Texas Outlaw - Adrienne deWolfe ~Review in English~


Fancy Holleday has more nerve than the average cardsharp. No man can resist her smoky voice and violet eyes—and that includes the federal tinstar, Cord Rawlins.
Cord may have tracked her all the way to Texas to recover the U.S. minting plates that she stole, but the Nevada penitentiary is a long ride north, giving her plenty of time to charm, seduce, or just plain outsmart the handsome Texas lawman.

Deputy U.S. Marshal Cord Rawlins is sworn to bring renegades to justice—including the brazen lady train robber who turned the tables on him near Carson City.

Tracking Fancy down is Cord's job, but resisting her persistent persuasions is a matter of personal honor. With Fancy's life in his hands, Cord begins to wonder if his clever prisoner is really as shameless as she pretends. Could her wicked smile be hiding a desperate secret—one that can steal his heart?

This was my first book by Adrienne deWolfe but defintely not my last! I really loved the story and I loved how Cord little by little conquers Fancy and shows her another way to live - and of course I also love how Cord falls for Fancy, bit by bit or rather - page by page.
Okay, back to the beginning, where Fancy Holleday, a young and rather remarkable woman, is part of the gang robbing the train protected by Marshal Cord Rawlins. When he has finally tracked her down, he realizes that that might have been the easy part of his job. And even if he gets her back to the Nevada penitentiary, will he be able to let her go?

Fancy is very sweet and despite all her wordly knowledge rather innocent and the more you get to know her the more it is not just Cord who falls for her but the reader falls for her as well. At least I did. Completely, absolutely. And the more I learned about her life the more upset (and furious) I got and the more I just wanted her to be happy and have her dream come true.
Every time Diego Santana, Fancy's "fiancé" and the leader of the bandits robbing the train, entered the picture, I was angry and afraid that somehow, something....well, let's just say that he wasn't my favorite guy and I didn't like the way he treated Fancy. At all.

Enter Cords brothers, Zack and Wes - amazing characters, wonderful brothers (most of the time at least when they are someone else's brothers...)  and their aunt Eulalia, a strong and very determined woman with a very big heart.

A bunch of amazingly complex and authentic characters, a lot of heartbreak (and handkerchiefs), hope, blossoming love and a Marshal trying to do the right thing, create a fast-paced, emotional and thrilling story that keeps the reader captivated till the end.

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for an honest review.*


Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Ein kleines Puzzle für Reiselustige!

Los geht's! 

The Ice Cream Man - Eileen Dreyer




Divorcee Jenny Lake suspects the new ice cream man, Nick Barnett, is selling more than bompops off his truck. The neighbors think Nick is dealing drugs.

Nick fears Jenny is more than the frazzled mom of two she portrays, as all evidence makes her suspect number one in his check-kiting case.

Of course, Nick also knows a cop should never fall in love with his suspect. And a man who can't tolerate kids shouldn't love a woman who wants a houseful. But somehow he keeps forgetting as he does everything possible to prove the evidence wrong.

"The Ice Cream Man" ist witzig und ausgesprochen nett geschrieben, wobei es auch gerade die prägnanten Charaktere sind, die das Buch abrunden.
Wenn der kinderhassende Undercover-Polizist Nick Barnett brav am Eiswagen sein Eis verkauft und langsam, aber sicher dem altklugen Charme der dreijährigen Emma erliegt, während er verzweifelt versucht, nicht zu glauben, dass seine Hauptverdächtige schuldig ist und Jenny Lake von den Nachbarn und der Polizei darauf angesetzt wird, herauszufinden, ob der Eismann mehr als nur Eis verkauft, undercover natürlich, sozusagen, dann sind unterhaltsame Szenen vorprogrammiert und als Leserin amüsiert man sich köstlich.
Während unsere beiden Undercover-Agenten verzweifelt versuchen, professionell zu bleiben (und scheitern), werden drumherum fleissig weiter Drogen verkauft und Schecks gefälscht, bis es zum großen Finale kommt!
Mir hat das Buch wirklich gut gefallen. Es liest sich flüssig und leicht und wartet mit liebenswerten und komplexen Charakteren auf, die den Leser gerne verfolgen lassen, wie sich das Ganze entwickelt. Ob Nick und Jenny selber oder Jennys altkluge Tochter Em, die neugierigen Nachbarn - etliche interessante und gut entwickelte Persönlichkeiten, die das Buch mit seiner gelungenen und gut gesponnenen Story abrunden. Ich kann das Buch empfehlen!

 *I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for an honest review.*


Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The Angel Knight - Susan King ~Review in English~


Burning her own Scottish castle to prevent the English from claiming it, Lady Christian MacGillean knows that the enemy wants the treasure hidden in its ruins. Soon captured and imprisoned in an iron cage, she is on the brink of death when an English knight claims her—and her lands.

Stunned by the cruel treatment of the beautiful Scottish rebel, Sir Gavin Faulkener demands her release, but the king has a price: the hidden gold of Kilglassie Castle. When the dying girl unexpectedly recovers in his keeping, Gavin fears the exposure of his secret—a mystical healing gift. Honor-bound to claim the missing treasure, Gavin discovers the lady’s castle a smoking ruin inhabited by rebels—while Lady Christian takes up her cause of rebellion again. Yet even as old threats arise, passion and love grow—and the deepest wounds of all begin to heal.

This book had me spellbound from the first page on. It is an enchanting mixture of the rough, hard reality of Scotland in the early 14th century and  and the people living there, many of them victims of the conflict between King Edward and Robert Bruce. Especially many of the  female relations of the Bruce suffered terribly at the hands of the king when he got hold of them.

This is  why our hero Sir Gavin Faulkener sees our heroine, a close relation of the Bruce’s for the first time when he is standing in front of a cage, attached to the outside wall of the parapet of Carlisle Castle, in the middle of winter, where she has been caged since September. Even though Gavin does not care for the King’s policies in Scotland and has been disgraced because of it before, he is granted Kilglassie castle, Lady Christian’s home, as a test of his loyalty. Lady Christian MacGillan herself is dying due to the exposure to the elements in her cage. As the king still hopes to obtain information about an ancient treasure hidden at Kilglassie Castle from her he allows Gavin to take Lady Christian away and wed her, ”last minute”, so to say, in order to get the information for his king before Lady Christian dies.
Getting her out of the cage proves to be the easiest part, keeping her alive, even when she has conquered her illness, will keep Gavion on his toes and he will need all the help he can get…

The brutal reality of Scotland in the Late Middle Ages, combined with some wonderful, complex and extremely charming characters with a healthy dose of mystical elements and a nice sweet dose of romance just to spice things up make for an educational, interesting and absolutely fascinating read that kept me enthralled right till the end. I really really loved this book. This is one of the books that I started rereading right after I had read the last page.
Having finished reading it I found myself trying to find out more about the history of those times and the fate of those mentioned in the book that were real characters and I found myself thinking and dreaming about those that weren’t.
A wonderful and well written book that I can definitely recommend!

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for an honest review.*



Seduced - Jess Michaels ~Review in English~

~Review in German~


Criminal Jack Blackwood has plenty of problems, from his complicated relationship with his brother to the plethora of men coming to dethrone him as king of the underground. What he doesn't need is a rich, bored gentleman showing up to try to join his gang. Worse, he doesn't need that gentleman's sister, Lady Letitia Seagate, chasing after him demanding he keep her brother safe. If only the lady weren't so damned intriguing.

Widowed Letty is desperate to protect her younger brother, even if it means matching wits with the notorious, charismatic Captain Jack. Only the man has far more to him than she ever expected, and his tempting kisses and smoldering promises leave her wanting more than she has ever dared before. Can Jack uncover the truth behind Letty's darkest lies? And will they both survive the storm about to strike at the very heart of their passion?

Once more a wonderful book by Jess Michaels!
I really love her Regency books with their unusual and strong characters. They're always interesting and well developed and you just have to feel with them. Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you gnaw your nails because it's so exciting, sometimes you just sigh dreamily and sport a rather goofy smile but you're never unmoved by the happenings in the book.

Those of you who have already followed the Wicked Woodleys and their (successful) search for their (often unconventional) significant others will meet many old friends in this book.

In "Seduced" we also meet Jack Blackwood again, the brother of Claire's husband Warrick. Jack is a renown criminal, a king of the underground and right at the moment many people try to take over after another renown gangleader was shot a couple of monthes ago. Sooo - this is definitely not the best time to get involved with innocent members if the ton, no matter if it is a young man trying to be cool and important or the young widow Lady Letitia Seagate who worries about  her brother and his quest for manhood. Only, well, very soon it is not just theconcern for her brother that makes her come back to Jack....
Of course things get much worse before they get better and the suspense kept me glued to my e-reader, right till the very end of the book!

This is another well spun story with many twists and turns and absolutely loveable characters that I can highly recommend! And if you don't know the other books by Jess Michaels yet - well, now would be the time to change that as well!


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Die Gewinner der Blogtour zu "Lass uns fliegen" findet Ihr.....

im "Heimathafen" des Buches! 

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Gewinner!


The Master of Strathburn - Amy Rose Bennett ~Review in English ~ ~Review in German~


A sweeping, sexy Highland romance about a wanted Jacobite with a wounded soul, and a spirited Scottish lass on the run.

Robert Grant has returned home to Lochrose Castle in the Highlands to reconcile with his long-estranged father, the Earl of Strathburn. But there is a price on Robert’s head, and his avaricious younger half-brother, Simon, doesn’t want him reclaiming his birthright. And it’s not only Simon and the redcoats that threaten to destroy Robert’s plans after a flame-haired complication of the feminine kind enters the scene...

Jessie Munroe is forced to flee Lochrose Castle after the dissolute Simon Grant tries to coerce her into becoming his mistress. After a fateful encounter with a mysterious and handsome hunter, Robert, in a remote Highland glen, she throws her lot in with the stranger—even though she suspects he is a fugitive. She soon realises that this man is dangerous in an entirely different way to Simon...

Despite their searing attraction, Robert and Jessie struggle to trust each other as they both seek a place to call home. The stakes are high and only one thing is certain: Simon Grant is in pursuit of them both...

Okay, this is a book that I didn't put down once I had started reading it. I really loved the well developed characters and the well spun story that kept me glued to my e-reader.

When Jessie Munroe has to flee Lochrose Castle in order to escape Simon Grant and his macchinations to get her into his bed she doesn't expect to end up in the company of yet another man who turns her life upside down - again. She obviously didn't plan on getting shot at and at the mercy of a stranger and this strange attraction between them doesn't really make things easier. As Robert and Jessie try to find out whom to trust and how much, they find their way back to Lochrose Castle, right into the lion's den and to Robert'S father, the Earl of Strathburn. Robert came back to geht his name cleared and to claim his birthright - something that his half-brother Simon doesn't really approve of as he considers himself the rightful heir and is not willing to step down. Unfortunately there is still a price on Robert's head and Simon and his mother, the Viscountess of Strathburn, stop at nothing to get what they want...

This well written story made me feel with the characters, it made me smile and hope and fear ...and I was furious whenever I "met" Simon. Even though there was also some amount of "who trusts whom" and "do I tell him" and so on, it was understandable and fit in with the situation in which the heroine found herself. Apart from that I was really happy that the author had the heroine and the hero talk with each other about the important things and also about their feelings, so - no misunderstandings there.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I can definitely recommend it.


Saturday, 14 May 2016

Pitching My Heart (Love, Laughter and Baseball Book 1) - Karly Morgan, Samantha Long


 After a disastrous date in college, Katryn Winters never wants to come face to face with hot pitcher Weston Dukes again. When she’s assigned the interview of a lifetime by her magazine with the elusive Weston Dukes, what is she to do?

Weston jumps from girl to girl with no desire to settle down. A previous relationship has left him bitter and cynical. When he’s approached for the interview with Katryn, he can’t help but remember how horribly things ended with their date. What happens when he accepts the interview and sparks begin to fly between them? Will they catch the pitch love has thrown at them or will they both strike out?

This was a delightful read - up until three quarters of the book had passed. At that point I was just frustrated and couldn't believe the stupid decisions made by ...well, that's up to you to find out. I was really upset and thought that there was a bit too much unneccessary drama involved considering the fact that there was a lot of stuff going on anyway. Maybe I have no heart for martyrs or no patience for people who doubt everything and make decisions based on insecurity instead of communication but there were long parts towards the end where I kept rolling my eyes and such. But, well, all is well that ends well and when the end turned out to be just right, I was reconciled with the book.

Apart from that I really liked the book because the story was nicely done and the characters were really great! You feel with Kat when you learn about the desastrous first date and I loved how West and Kat are together. Kat is a very lovable character and Weston is also amazing. I loved how they interacted and the way they protected each other.

When Kat is offered the chance of a lifetime, an interview with the star who never gives interviews, it is the beginning of something special. The closer Kat and West get, the more they realize how good they really are together. But it all threatens to blow up when West's past in form of a beautiful b...east decides to re-enter his life. Will their blossoming relationship survive despite the macchinations of this...lady...or will they be torn apart?

On the whole I liked the book despite my complaints that's why it gets three and a half stars, rounded up to four. Sometimes the dialogues felt a bit forced, a bit stilted but apart from that it is an easy and pleasant read that I will read again even if it couldn't fully convince me.




(Mis)fortune (Judgement of the Six #2) - Melissa Haag

You loved Gabby and Clay?  

 Well, then come and meet 

 Michelle and Emmitt in (Mis)fortune !


Our world is being judged and even they remain unaware.

Michelle, another young woman with an unexplainable gift, finds herself surrounded by the previously undiscovered werewolf society. Kept prisoner for the predictions that torment her, she meekly follows orders waiting for her opportunity to run. When her stepfather dies, she takes a chance and escapes.

After witnessing Blake, her captor, grow canines, she knows he will do anything to find her. She needs a place to hide and someone to listen to her predictions so her head doesn’t explode, but knows there’s nowhere she can hide forever, and no one who can protect her… unless she can find someone just like him.

Part of the fur wearing faction wants to use her, another part strives to keep her safe. The second book of the Judgement of the Six series will raise more questions about the purpose of these gifted few and Michelle will need to fight for answers. Will what she discovers be enough to help her keep those she loves safe from an emerging evil?

I really really love the books of this series. They are rather special - well written, imaginative, gripping, romantic and even though all books of this series are linked, each of them is unique and tells its own story.

I also love the characters the author creates as they are not just lovable but authentic and complex as well.
When Emmitt meets Michelle and her little brothers in the parking lot of small town diner or rather - when he rescues Michelle and her brothers from some pretty bad guys in said parking lot of a small town diner, he knows that his life has just changed forever.
Being on the run from some very powerfull enemies with two small kids and no place to go is not easy (especially when you don't know how to drive the car you're driving...) and Michelle is very tired and very desperate when Emmitt comes to her rescue. It takes time getting used to the idea that maybe someone is really nice and really wants to help but when Emmitt takes Michelle and the boys home to meet Nana Wini and his brother Jim and asks them to live with them in one of the apartements she accepts his offer. Well, she is not the only one to keep a secret or two (or three..) but maybe, maybe Emmitt's secret will not drive her away... Will it? And what about those enemies of hers, will they ever give up?

I love the interaction between the characters and I think it is amazing how those books are linked with each other and how they complement each other. (Hope)less told us how Gabby and Clay found each other and in Clay's Hope we got to know how Clay felt about their rather tumultuous courtship. (Mis)fortune is Michelle's story and very soon Emmitt will get his chance to tell us his part of it, when Emmitt's Treasure gets out on May 24th (2016). Apart from that there are always the stories of Bethi, Charlene and Isabelle, if you still want to know more about weres and the Judgement of the Six.





The Replacement Bride - Cynthia Woolf ~Review in English~



Jesse Donovan spent the last four years chasing gold, hoping to convince his New York fiancee to join him. He's now rich, successful, and eager for his wife-to-be to make the trip out west. But now that it's time to travel to Hope's Crossing and marry Jesse, the New York socialite sends him a letter informing him of her intention to marry another. Heartbroken and lonely, Jesse contacts Matchmaker & Co. for a mail order bride.

Clarissa "Clare" Griggs is the eldest daughter of a poor farmer who is barely surviving off the land. At twenty-three, she is an old maid and a burden on her family. Clare knows what love looks like, and she wants a family of her own. Volunteering as a mail order bride seems to be the perfect answer to her dilemma. Her family will be better off, and she can find her own love story, happiness and finally become a mother.

But Hope's Crossing isn't the ideal location that Jesse or Clare dreamed. A bitter rival is trying to kill Jesse and take his mine. Jesse's broken heart won't allow him to love Clare the way she needs, and Clare refuses to live with a man who doesn't love her. When the enemy threatens Clare's life, Jesse realizes Clare has become a part of him, a vital piece of his heart and soul -- but is he too late?

This is the second book in the series that I read and I really enjoyed it. Yes, they are rather predictable but nevertheless they are nice stories with very lovable characters. Well written, easy to read and charming. Those who have read the first book of the series will meet some old friends at Hope's Crossing. Especially Jo and Sam whose story is told in "The Hunter Bride" appear rather often and I also enjoyed the opportunity so see how their story goes on.

Jesse Donovan and Clare Griggs are the hero and the heroine of "The Replacement Bride" . When Jesse's longtime sweetheart writes to tell him that she has found someone else and wouldn't come to Hope's Crossing to marry him, he is crushed. Although he has given up on love he still needs a wife so he decides to use the same matchmaking agency his friend Sam used to find Jo.
When Clare arrives, she realizes that she is a kind of replacement bride. Even though both get along rather well, the idea of her being nothing but a replacement plagues her especially when Jesse insists that he will never be able to offer her love.

Seriously? I'm a bit frustrated and a bit annoyed as, at least when one is reading romance novels, almost every man seems to be desillusioned and feels himself incapable of ever loving again. Well, yeah, right - and that's why all these women get hellbent on hearing their husbands say that they love them no matter how much they show them what they feel it has to be the words or nothing. *rollseyes*

Okay, back to Jesse and Clare who do not only have to find their way around each other and figure out how much they mean to each other but also have to fight a rival trying to destroy Jesse's business. As he gets bolder and more determined things get really tough and more than one life is at risk.....

I really enjoy these stories - that's why I read all of the books in this series, actually-  despite my frustration this constantly recurring theme of spurned love and the resolving refusal to ever love again etc. They are entertaining and well constructed and I really love the characters and the way their tentative relationship blossoms.





Friday, 13 May 2016

The Hunter Bride . Cynthia Woolf


 Five years ago, a band of outlaws murdered Josephine Shafter's parents and younger brother. Desperate for vengeance, Jo has spent every day since serving the law as a bounty hunter. But the trouble with justice served is that now that her family's killer has been brought in, she has nothing to do and no one to hunt. She decides it may be time for a new life and a fresh start. She longs for the arms of a strong man around her, and for a child of her own. But the Chicago dandies don't know how to kiss a woman who is tougher than they are. Jo decides her best chance at happiness is to head out West, to the wild Montana territory, to start a new life as a mail order bride. Sam Longworth has been the Sheriff of Hope's Crossing, Montana for two miserable years. He was much happier roaming the untamed plains as a bounty hunter, bringing outlaws to justice. But that was no life for a husband or father, and his wife wanted him home, safe and sound, every night. Forced into marriage, theirs had never been a love match, but he thought warming her bed every night would be enough. Instead she left him and took a stagecoach to rendezvous with her childhood sweetheart. She vowed never to return, and died on the journey. Plagued by guilt over her death, Sam doesn't need a woman's love, he just needs a wife. He orders a mail order bride, a woman who won't make too many demands, who can build a home and give him children. Josephine fits his life perfectly, until danger follows her to her new home and he realizes she's keeping secrets that could get them both killed. Trust is a hard road for two lost souls used to keeping secrets, and their new and fragile love might not be strong enough to survive what's coming.

This Book is the first in the Hope Crossing Series by Cynthia Woolf. Each of the books is a standalone but the stories are all related. They are easy to read but well spun and entertaining.

When Sam Longworth sends for his demure mail order bride he has no idea that being demure will not turn out to be one of Jo Shafter's fortes. On the contrary Jo is a very strong and capable woman who might even be considered somewhat stubborn and independent. Only a teeny tiny bit of course, but... She really tries to be the wife Sam wants her to be but perhaps what he thinks he wants is not really what he needs. Years ago Jo's family was murdered. Their murderer was that last bounty Jo captured but - he can flee and he wants revenge. In order to find him and protect Jo the two of them have to work together and trust each other.

I really loved the hero and the heroine a lot. Jo's determination and her independent character and Sam, protective and accepting and quite a bit stubborn himself are a wonderful pair even though it's not just guns and roses for them. A killer on the loose and a new life together to build at the same time can be rather trying...

I really liked the book and can recommend it!




A Saint's Salvation by Beverly Ovalle


Corporal Nicholas 'Saint' Santiago needs to go home to reclaim the man he used to be. To be the man he was before Operation Enduring Freedom slowly hardened his heart. He needs to reconnect to the values and the reasons he is doing what he does. Saint also needs to try to forget the courageous woman he fell in love with.

Petty Officer Angelina Jones' life changed the moment Saint saved her life. She survived the blast but now has to deal with the fact that she will never be whole. She can’t believe that anyone would want her the way she is now. Digging up her courage, Angelina moves forward hoping against hope that she can live a full life again.

Crossing paths again brings their emotions to a full boil. A coincidence that will have them both reaching for their dreams.

In diesem eher kurzen Buch, geht es um im die langsam wachsende Liebe zwischen Corporal Nicholas Santiago (Saint) und Petty Officer Angelina Jones, die beide gleichzeitig bei einem Einsatz verletzt wurden. Während Saint relativ gut davonkommt, sind die Verletzungen bei Angelina tiefgehender und einschneidender. Obwohl Saint alles versucht, um ihr deutlich zu machen, dass sie immer noch liebens- und begehrenswert ist, nimmt Angelina sich so nicht mehr wahr und läuft vor den aufkeimenden Gefühlen davon. Egal wie sehr Saint versucht, sie vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen, glaubt sie nicht daran, dass seine Gefühle in irgendeiner Weise über mehr als ein Pflichtgefühl hinausgehen könnten.

Während beide um ihren Platz im Leben kämpfen und versuchen, das Miliär und ihre Erfahrungen dort hinter sich zu lassen, so schwer es angesichts der dauerhaften Erinnerungen auch fallen mag, spielt das Schicksal ein wenig mit und lässt die beiden unter ganz besonderen Umständen wieder aufeinander stoßen.
Insgesamt hat mir das Buch gefallen, auch wenn ich manches Mal ein wenig frustriert war, dass Angelina nun so gar nicht glaubt, dass Saint Interesse an ihr haben könnte, aber die Charaktere, die man eigentlich sofort ins Herz schließt, machen da vieles wieder wett.

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for my honest review.*


Thursday, 12 May 2016

Her Defiant Heart - Jo Goodman



When Civil War veteran and hero Christian Marshall attempts to aid a mysterious young woman escaping a New York City asylum, he is reminded that good intentions count for nothing and painful memories are best drown in a good bottle of whiskey and the arms of a whore. Jenny Holland discovers the respite and refuge she needs at Marshall House. To remain in this sanctuary and protect her life-and-death secrets, she must make herself necessary to its master. But serving at the will and pleasure of such a dark and dangerous man might not be enough, and her attempts to heal his wounds will expose her own. 
Special Author's Cut Edition 
Previously Titled: Midnight Princess

Okay, this book is absolutely amazing and it is intense  - or should I say  that it's amazingly intense? Actually, what can you say about a book that has you sitting in a hot car on a sunny day  in front of the supermarket just because you  absolutely have to know what happens and you can't wait  the five minutes it would take to drive home?  Well, I guess this says a lot about a book, doesn't it?

This book is  raw, it is emotional,  it is violent, it is shocking and it keeps you on your toes. From the first page on, I couldn't put the book down.

Usually when it comes to violence against women, I don't deal well with that. I have a big problem considering rape or “forceful persuasion”  as something even remotely romantic and I must admit that I end up hating the character who commits this crime. In this case though, each of the violent acts (never a “full rape though) committed is  still despicable  and something that I condemn, but it is also something that you can understand when you look at  the personality of the characters involved.

The hero and the  heroine are both very troubled characters and instead of driving  them apart even the violence is something that builds trust and brings them closer to each other.  Christian, our rather un-heroic hero, has been fighting his demons ever since he saw his brother die in battle  and got badly wounded himself. As the last remaining member of his family he feels guilty and tries to  drown his sorrows in alcohol in a straight race to the bottom.  Jenny on the other hand  struggles with the memories of the horrible treatment she had to endure  before Christian and Scott Turner, his friend rescued her from the lunatic ward of the Jennings hospital where she had been held captive. Slowly, very slowly Christian and Jenny find a way to help each other. It is a rocky road, never  straight and definitely never easy and there  were  times  when I was just shocked, I cried, I was upset, I hated and  I tried to never give up hope that  everything would end well.  Especially in the end it wasn't easy to trust in a happy end  - which was the reason why I found myself  reading  in my car in the parking lot in  front of a supermarket on a sunny day.

This book is not for the faint of heart because some things are really hard even when you're just reading about them. The moment you realize, that things like the treatment at the lunatic ward were reality  in those times - well that's the stuff nightmares are made of! And again, as usual, it is disturbing to see how little protection women head in those times. No matter what happened, there was little-to-no legal protection when the male members of their family or their husband treated them badly or tried to get rid of them.
Even though all this sounds rather dark I really really love this book and I know that this may have been the first time I've read it but definitely not the last!  The amazing, well developed and multi-layered characters and a well written, gripping story guarantee that.

  *I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for my honest review.*


The Outlaw was no Lady by Sharon Ihle


Rayna Sebastiani is tired of living on the run and on the wrong side of the law. A beautiful gypsy, Rayna is well-versed in con games. She has a trained pig, too.

Luther 'Gant' Gantry is a former outlaw, part owner of a floating circus, and has a villainous family tracking him down.

Luther is none too fond of Rayna or her pig. If one doesn't bring trouble, the other certainly will. But he recognizes a kindred spirit in the dark-eyed gypsy, and an all-consuming passion that's proving harder to deny.

Es dauerte ein wenig, bis mich dieses Buch ganz gepackt hatte, anfangs legte ich es erst einmal für mehrere Tage weg und war mir nicht sicher, ob ich es überhaupt weiterlesen möchte, bis ich plötzlich einen Punkt überschritten hatte und es mich uneingeschränkt fesselte. Ab da legte iche s dann auch nicht mehr aus der Hand, so dass dieses Buch und ich trotz unseres unglücklichen Starts doch noch zueinander fanden und uns in Zukunft vermutlich auch noch öfter begegnen werden. Oder anders ausgedrückt - ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich diese originelle und erfrischend andere Geschichte trotz des für mich holperigen Starts nicht zum letzten Mal gelesen habe.

Rayna und Gant, die beiden Protagonisten des Buches, könnten einerseits nicht gegensätzlicher sein, andererseits haben sie bei genauerem Hinsehen schon einiges gemeinsam, wie zum Beispiel eine nicht ganz so lupenreine Vergangenheit. Als Rayna und ihre Stiefmutter Maria zu dem kleinen schwimmenden Zirkus kommen, in dem Gant Teilhaber ist, wirbeln sie alles durcheinander, nicht zuletzt auch ihr eigenes Leben. Plötzlich ringen Flüche, Erpressung, besondere Gaben, schwarze Magie und die Liebe um den ersten Platz im Leben der Protagonisten und ihrer Freunde. Fügt man noch eine Kleptomanin, eine Bande von Banditen und ein dressiertes Schwein hinzu, hat man eine ziemlich feine Mischung für ein ganz besonderes Buch, das mit viel Leidenschaft, Humor und Spannung aufwartet.

Das Buch ist gut geschrieben, auch wenn ich Anlaufschwierigkeiten hatte und die Charaktere sind einfach genial, vielschichtig und interessant, aber auch schlichtweg liebenswert. Okay, nicht alle, aber die meisten schon und die anderen, nun, sagen wir mal so -  das wird schon!

*I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery in exchange for my honest review.*
