Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Deep Cover (Love Over Duty #3) by Scarlett Cole #deepcover

Ex-Navy SEAL Cabe Moss always comes when called to duty―at all costs. Even though the death of his fiancée nearly destroyed him, Cabe won’t let his past interfere with any work that has to get done. When his latest task pushes him to team up with FBI Agent Amy Murray, a fierce beauty with the undercover skills to match, Cabe must admit that, for the first time in years, he wants to do more than just complete their mission together…

Amy was born ready for this assignment, but working side-by-side with the the strong, silent, and frustratingly professional Cabe seems to be the biggest challenge of all. But when the sparks begin to fly―and the stakes rise to dangerous heights―the only thing Amy is left worrying about is how she can resist him. Their lives may be in danger, but their hearts hold the biggest risk of all…
Honestly, I was a bit torn when it came to rating this book.
On the one hand it is as amazing as every other book in this series. On the other hand, even though I really loved Cabe and Amy, their personal problems that threaten to keep them apart, felt a bit like a broken record.

Both of them are hung up in their past and their personal tragedies and feel threatened by their buddening romance despite the fact that both of them feel and acknowledge that they have something special there and want to make it happen. Nevertheless, they can't resist temptation and even risk their assignment because they can't stay apart.
This assignment, meaning the investigation dealing with missing women and potential human trafficking and money laundering, is important to both of them but they still risk Amy's and also Cabe's personal safety.

Okay, right, this is the "Love over Duty" series which means, well, that love rules, right? Well, common sense should also rule, I think. I loved the other books in this series as well, and, I must admit that I loved those even more. Somehow "Deep Cover" feels a bit rushed. The other two books felt a bit more intense and more straight. Nontheless, I also loved "Deep Cover", even when I was rolling my eyes at another woe-me-moment of our heroine or our hero because they are amazing characters and their chemistry is simply great. You get them, you feel why they belong together. Apart from their romance there is also this whole other part of the story, the investigation that captivated me right from the start.

Despite the points that I mentioned, I loved to read the book and would recommend it.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Blogtour mit Gewinnspiel - Der Fluch der Schwarzen Dahlie

Herzlich Willkommen bei unserer Blogtour!

Heute erfahrt Ihr bei mir etwas über  -

oder die Überschriften in Der Fluch der Schwarzen Dahlie

Ein Blick in das Buch zeigt, dass hier jedes Kapitel mit dem Namen eines Cocktails beginnt. Es finden sich hier bekannte und weniger bekannte Namen wie etwa die Bloody Mary, die passenderweise von, na? - genau, einer Vampirin getrunken wird, aber auch Blue Lagoon oder Tequila Sunrise sind hier vertreten, ebenso wie der Mojito, die Pina Colada, die Margarita oder der Kamikaze, ein simpler Gin Tonic oder auch ein Manhattan.

Warum Cocktails? Na, immerhin fängt Cara, unsere Protagonistin, hier an, als Barkeeperin zu arbeite, um als Tochter der Besitzerin vor Ort zu sein und die Ohren aufzusperren, da es in der Nähe des Red Rose binnen kurzer Zeit bereits dreimal zu einem Mord gekommen ist!

Schon ab dem 16. Jahrhundert gab es den "Punch", der ebenfalls ein Mischgetränk war und spätestens Lesern von Jane Austen oder Regency-Romanen vermutlich auch ein Begriff ist, da er auch in dieser Zeit gerne zu den Bällen und anderen sozialen Ereignissen serviert wurde. Laut der Webseite von Bols, wurde der Begriff "Cocktail" das erste Mal 1806 in einer Zeitung erwähnt. Die Theorien zur Entstehung des Namens, die man im Web findet, gehen von einer direkten Ableitung des Namens von echten Hahnenfedern, den "cocktails", mit denen die Drinks nach einem gewonnenen Hahnenkampf geschmückt wurden, bis hin zu einem französischen Apotheker aus New Orleans, der zwecks Umgehung des Alkoholverbots seine Drinks als stärkendes Tonikum in Eierbechern, den "coquetiers" servierte.

Fest steht, dass das erste Buch über Cocktails und deren Zubereitung "The Bartender's Guide to Mixing Drinks" von 1862 von Jeremiah "Jerry" Thomas, immer noch als Standardwerk gilt. Rein aus Lokalpatriotimus, immerhin haben wir den Geburtsort gemeinsam, möchte ich aber auch
William Schmidt, bekannt als "The Only William" und sein 1892 herausgekommenes Buch "The Flowing Bowl" nicht unerwähnt lassen, das sich ebenfalls intensiv mit Mixgetränen und deren Zubereitung befasste.

Der Tequila Sunrise wurde natürlich am meisten dadurch bekannt, dass er zum inoffiziellen Cocktail der Welttour zum Album "Exile on Main Street"der Rolling Stones 2972 geworden war, wobei die Eagles mit ihrer Single "Tequila Sunrise" natürlich noch zur Populatität und Bekanntheit dieses Cocktails beitrugen. Mick Jagger wurde laut einem Artikel im Magazin "GuitarPlayer" einen Tequila Sunrise von Lozoff selbst, dem Erfinderder heute gängigen Variante des Tequila Sunrise empfohlen, als er eigentlich einen Margarita bestellen wollte. Mit seinen kräftigen Farben in Form eines Sonnenaufgangs, schmeckt der (gut gemischte, wie Cara vermutlich jetzt anmerken würde) Tequila Sunrise natürlich auch nicht nur gut, sondern er sieht auch noch recht spektakulär aus. Mit einem schlecht gemischten Tequila Sunrise, fängt unsere Bekanntschaft mit unserer Protagonistin Cara leider aber an. Allerdings ist das nicht das einzige, das ihr an der Situation und der Gesellschaft, in der sie sich befindet, nicht so ganz "schmeckt".

Die Anfänge des Manhattan hingegen, des Lieblingscocktails von Caras nicht ganz so heiß geliebter Mutter, liegen hingegen ein wenig im Dunkeln. Eine sehr bekannte Version ist laut einer Webseite, die, dass ein Dr. Ian Marshall den Mahattan für eine Feier kreiert hat, die von der Mutter Winston Churchills in den frühen 8oer Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts im Manhattan Club in New York ausgerichtet wurde und der Manhattan Club besteht bis heute natürlich darauf, dass er namensgebend für diesen Cocktail war. 1882 wird er wohl in der Zeitung "Der Demokrat" erwähnt, allerdings ohne Angabe eines Namens, wobei eine der ersten namentlichen Erwähnungen sich tatsächlich 1892 in The Only Williams Buch "The Flowing Bowl" findet.

Der Mojito ist wohl am meisten dafür bekannt, dass er der Lieblingsdrink Hemingways in einer Bar in Havana, Kuba war. Erfunden worden sein, soll er von Sklaven die ihn aus einfachem Rohrzucker herstellten, allerdings gibt es auch noch eine Variante, derzufolge er als Zufallsprodukt entstand, bei dem Versuch einiger Mitglieder der Schiffscrew von Sir Francis Drake, eine Medizin gegen Ruhr und Skorbut zu finden, unter der die Seeleute bei ihrer Ankunft auf Kuba litten. Ob diese Geschichte wahr ist, vermag ich nicht zu sagen, egal wie ist der Mojito offensichtlich nach wie vor sehr populär, immerhin tauchte er unter anderem auch in einem James Bond Film auf - und wird auch in Bars nach wie vor gerne getrunken.

Oh, der Kamikaze taucht natürlich dann auf, wenn die Dinge ein wenig....stressig sind. Oder lebensgefärhlich. Oder so. Seine Ursprünge als Cocktail liegen etwas im Dunkeln, allerdings hat er
sehr viel Ähnlichkeit mit einer Margarita, wobei er auf Wodka basiert und nicht auf Tequila wie die Margarita.

Auch für den Blue Lagoon, den Lieblingscocktail von Bessie, Caras Kusine, braucht man Wodka, seine markante Farbe bekommt er jedoch durch den Blue Curacao. Erfunden worden sein, soll der Blue Lagoon 1972 in Paris, in Harry's New York Bar.

Tja, so weit zu diesen Cocktails!  

Wenn Ihr an der Verlosung für ein Exemplar des "Fluchs der Schwarzen Dahlie" teilnehmen wollt, beantwortet mir doch einfach die Frage, welches Getränk Ihr gerne zur Hand hättet, wenn Ihr auf ein erstes Date mit einem echt kernigen und ziemlich coolen Wolfsshifter gehen würdet.

Ich selber würde vermutlich lieber ein Wasser nehmen, um einen klaren Kopf zu behalten, wenn mir der Kerl den da gerade verdrehen will, weil mein Lieblingscocktail, der Brasilero, von mir nur in sehr geringen Maßen genossen werden darf, damit ich mich noch halbwegs plietsch äußern kann (hier wären wohl die oben erwähnten "coquetiers" angebracht)....

Was wäre das Gertränk oder der Cocktail Eurer Wahl in dieser Situation?

(Eine falsche Antwort gibt es übrigens nicht!)

Zu den Teilnahmebedingungen für das Gewinnspiel guckt Ihr bitte hier: . Die Auslosung findet dann am 02.08. statt, der Gewinner wird auf allen teilnehmenden Blogs bekanntgegeben.

Viel Glück! 

Saturday, 28 July 2018


Als Erstes wird Anja Euch in ihrer Plauderecke 
etwas über Vampire erzählen.

Monique erzählt Euch auf ihrem Blog etwas über Gestaltwandler.

Bei Carmen in ihrem Bücherkabinett
erfahrt Ihr etwas über die Autorin, Natalie Winter. 

Montag könnt Ihr bei mir hier etwas über Cocktails lesen 
-und darüber, was sie mit diesem Buch zu tun haben.

Petra stellt Euch auf ihrem Blog am Dienstag 
dann noch einmal die Reihe über die Shifter Cops vor, 

während Ihr Mittwoch bei Nicole etwas über den echten, 
ziemlich grausigen Fall der Schwarzen Dahlie erfahrt. 

Donnerstag findet die Verlosung statt, gewinnen könnt Ihr ein Exemplar des Fluch der Schwarzen Dahlie! Beantwortet einfach die Gewinnspielfragen auf den teilnehmenden Blogs, 
je mehr, desto besser ist Eure Chance! 

Und jetzt - viel Spaß bei der Blogtour!

Thursday, 26 July 2018




starts with a new book
 that somehow found its way to me:

(And yes, I noticed that it's about mistletoe
but in this heat,
you need "cool" books! ;-)

Germans, stay tuned, 


 Der Fluch der Schwarzen Dahlie
 Natalie Winter
startet am Samstag!

Saturday, 21 July 2018

In a Jam by Cindy Dorminy


Andie Carson has to do three things to inherit her grandmother’s lottery winnings—sober up, spend a month running her grandmother’s Georgia coffee shop, and enter homemade jam in the county fair. If she can’t meet those terms, the money goes to the church, and Andie gets nothing. She figures her tasks will be easy enough, and once she completes them, Andie plans to sell the shop, take the money, and run back to Boston.

After a rough breakup from his crazy ex-fiancée, Officer Gunnar Wills decides to take a hiatus from women. All he wants is to help make his small town thrive the way it did when he was a kid. But when wild and beautiful Andie shows up, Gunnar’s hesitant heart begins to flutter.

Gunnar knows that Andie plans to leave, but he’s hoping to change her mind, fearful that if her coffee shop closes, Main Street will fold to the big-box corporations and forever change the landscape of his quaint community. But convincing her to stay means getting close enough to risk his heart in the process. Even though Gunnar makes small-town life seem a little sweeter, Andie has to decide if she’s ready to turn her world upside down and give up big-city life. One thing’s for sure—it’s a very sticky situation.

This book was so much fun and cute and...I really loved it! It was on sale, I recognized the author as I've read and loved "left hanging" by her and the I just wanted to sneak a peek because I wanted to read it when I am on holidays... Yeah, famous last and so on... I didn't stop reading till the last page.
Andie and Gunnar are both flawed, especially Andie doesn't show herself from her best side when we first meet her but this gilr? She is simply so adorable, such a bunch of cuteness, it's amazing! You can't not love her! And, well, I was not the only one who felt like that.

Watching Andie navigate the rough waters of small-town gossip and her own personal demons, seeing Gunnar fall for her...(and knowing that he never stood a chance because, yeah, cuteness personified!) - I really really loved this book!
Oh, and it is not just the main characters, each and every one of the minor characters is interesting, quirky and authentic.

The first thing that I did when I finished this book? I went on Amazon and searched for other books by the author! And now I am not so patiently waiting for another one to come out. Now. Please?


Friday, 20 July 2018

Wir tun was für Bienen - Cornelis Hemmer und Corinna Hölzer



Honig- und Wildbienen sind in Not! Parasiten, Krankheiten und Pestizide bedrohen die Honigbiene. Die Lebensräume der Wildbienen werden zerstört und viele Arten stehen auf der Roten Liste. Doch dagegen kann man etwas tun: Vom blütenreichen Bienengarten über selbst gebaute Insektenhotels bis hin zur kleinen Stadtimkerei zeigt dieses Buch mit Anregungen, Tipps und praktischen Anleitungen, wie man den Bienen helfen kann. Und wie bei den Bienen, so gilt auch hier: Gemeinsam sind wir stark und können etwas Großes bewirken.

Oft genug ist es ja schon durch die Presse gegangen, wie wichtig die Bienen undfür unsere Umwelt und somit nicht zuletzt auch für uns sind und wie stark sie gefährdet sind. Nicht umsonst sind die Wildbienen durch die Bundesartenschutzverordnung geschützt, was aber leider nicht verhindert hat, dass trotzdem gut die Hälfte der Wildbienenarten auf der Roten Liste sind. Die Gründe dafür liegen unter anderem im Schwinden geeigneter Flächen, die als Nistplätze dienen, andererseits aber auch daran, dass sie immer weniger Nahrung finden.
Hier setzt dieses Buch an und zeigt etliche Möglichkeiten auf, im eigenen Garten oder gar auf dem eigenen Balkon Möglichkeiten zu finden, um Nistraum für Wildbienen zu schaffen oder naturnah bepflanzte Flächen zu gestalten, um das Nahrungsangebot für Bienen und andere Insekten zu verbessern.
Es finden sich Vorschläge und Ideen für jede erdenkliche Situation und Gegebenheit und auch für jeden Geldbeutel.
Wer gerne mit dazu beitragen möchte, dass die Wildbienen nicht aussterben, findet hier auf jeden Fall viele gut umsetzbare und sehr gut erklärte Ideen und Möglichkeiten, um den vorhandenen Raum zu verbessern und zu einem kleinen Wildbienen-Paradies zu machen.
Ein hilfreiches Buch mit guten und ausführlichen Erklärungen und und vielen nützlichen Tipps.


Thursday, 19 July 2018

Demon Deception by Melissa Haag


Cassie Feld’s world is falling apart. Grieving from the loss of her husband and youngest child, she lives in fear of losing her remaining daughter. She knows she can't protect her alone. There’s a solution, as terrifying and as heartbreaking as she finds it, that will ensure she never has to suffer such a devastating loss again. She needs to sleep with one of the dark fey who rose with the hellhounds. More than that, she needs to become his. She has to give him the one thing she isn’t sure she can. Her heart.

Cassie must figure out a way to set aside her grief long enough to get the deed done. After all, what wouldn’t a mother do to protect her child? Even risk falling in love again.

Oh My This book was so amazing! I so felt with Cassie and.....well. And. And who? Find out for yourself!

Every mother can imagine what it must be like to not know whether your child is still alive while still fearing for the safety of your other child each and every day. When a solution presents itself that is as terrifying as the one that seems to be her only option...  Not an easy choice but if you fear for your child, everything is possible. Maybe it is even possible to learn to love again and to lose your fear of the unknown. I loved to see Cassie find love and to start to trust again and I loved to see her overcome not just that fear of the unknown but also her fear of falling in love again.
When she left with some of the fey to search for her son and her husband, I felt with her when they were attacked and had to learn that the Infected were getting more dangerous, I cried with Cassie and I laughed with her and the others when things were finally, finally looking up.

This book drew me in from the first page on and I didn't put it down till the end. Once again the story was unique and completely different from the other stories in this series. Even though every book tells the story of some of the survivors, every books tells its own story.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I also enjoyed everything that I read about Mya and Dray or Eden and Ghua and their life now very much and I laughed so hard because, well, Ghua being Ghua, right? Just remember  - his....collection...?

By the way, if you haven't read the other books yet - read them. Now. And then come back and read this one. Even though this can be read as a standalone, it is much more fun to read when you know more about this world and the people you meet!

Once again an amazing book and a briliant sequel - and I am already looking forward to the next book in the series! I can't wait!


Irish Affair by Amanda Heartley


What do you do when your boyfriend has an affair…with another guy?

Fall for someone on the other side of the world, of course.
And he seems like the perfect distraction with his hot Irish brogue.
But when I cross the ocean to surprise him, it all turns to cr*p.
I'm starting to think it must be something about me.

Now I’m alone in the middle of Dublin, wondering how it all went so wrong.
All the guys I meet turn out to be douchebags and I’m swearing off men.
At least, that was my plan until he sat next to me at the bar. 
The moment those intense green eyes stray my way, I cave in.
The more time I spend with Rory, the more I like him, but I’m leery.

Seems like all the guys I fall for let me down eventually. 

I’m a famous music star, in Ireland at least. But I hate the limelight.
Just for once, I want to be with someone who likes me, just for me.
The moment she flashes that sexy smile at me, I’m hooked on those luscious lips.
And, I’m determined to show her us Irish guys aren’t all bad. 

I like her, but breaking down her defenses is harder than I thought.
I’m up for the craic, and if she'll let her guard down, I’ll show her I’m different.
That I’m not like the guys who hurt her before. But then, maybe I’m no better?
She has no clue who I am, and the longer I'm with her, the harder it is to tell her the truth.
I know I need to. If she finds out on her own, it’ll break her heart all over again.

And that’s the last thing I want to do.

Irish Affair: Book 1 in The Claddagh Trilogy and can be read as a standalone novella.
A small town, steamy music star romance that will melt your heart... and your panties!

Okay, this book was nice even though it couldn't captivate me completely.

There were too many coincidences and the hero and the heroine were nice but not totally convincing in my eyes. I liked Rory and Amelia well enough, don't get me wrong but I couldn't feel their connection and there was no chemistry. They didn't make the best choices when it came to being open and sharing and such but that was somewhat understandable. The story itself was rather foreseeable and their actions fit in with that but...they were sweet together but not more. And a love that makes you forsake all others and follow the other one to the other side of the world....well. There should be more, shouldn't there?

Despite that, this was a nice and entertaining read. I probably won't read it again and I won't read the next book in the series but it was nice nonetheless.


Tuesday, 17 July 2018

O'Connor Family Series Collection (O'Connor Family #1-4) by Katie Reus

Holly, North Carolina—where it’s Christmas year-round and miracles can happen. A good thing for the O’Connor family—four local siblings, four sexy stories, four unique journeys to happily ever after.

Merry Christmas, Baby:
Legal guardian for her sister, Nora broke her no-romance rule for Jackson, but when he does something she can’t easily forgive, he’ll have to prove a second chance, and her heart, are worth the risk.

Tease Me, Baby:
Reluctantly leaving town to fulfill an obligation, Fallon can’t let her desire for Brad derail her plans. But the sexy sheriff is determined to prove she’s already right where she belongs…in his arms.

It’s Me Again, Baby:
When his new realtor turns out to be “the one who got away,” Maguire knows a second chance with Samantha is within reach…if he can save her from the menace who followed her home.

Mistletoe Me, Baby:
Nolan already wants Miranda, so playing her fake fiancé is no hardship. Convincing her family—and the whole town—is easy. Convincing Miranda, especially after tragedy strikes, proves far harder.

Length: 111,000 words
Author Note: each title can be purchased individually or as a complete series collection.

This is the first book by Katie Reus that I've read that is not romantic suspense so I was really looking forward to finding out about this side of her. Actually, this is not one book but it is a collection of four previously published novellas.
Short but sweet and charming, these books are a really nice treat on a cold winter's day. Heart-warming, sometimes funny,with strong heroines and their significant, very alpha-ish others, these books are captivating and entertaining.

Despite the shortness of the individual texts, there was nothing missing. I am very often frustrated when reading novellas or worse - short- stories because they always seem to be a bit rushed and to miss something vital but this is not the case with these novellas. Developed and intriguing story lines , amazing characters and of course, there's also the fact that Katie Reus's writing is also amazing.
On the whole I really loved these books even though I also would have loved to see some or all of them turned into full-length novels as well. Apart from that though, I can definitely recommend this book with its sweet and interesting stories.


Monday, 16 July 2018

Men Under Fire (Grayce Walters #3) by Jacki Delecki

Hollie Thomas, the feisty, tattooed office assistant to Grayce Walters, has come a long way from living on the streets. Along with finding a job she loves, she’s found friends and safety. When her new life unravels, she faces dangers that dwarf her troubled past. Fighting to survive, she discovers that sometimes what you need the most might be found in the one person you failed to see coming.
Returning home from the war and struggling to find his way, Sergeant Nick Welby, and his bomb-sniffing golden lab, use their skill set in the last place he’d ever imagined—Seattle’s Waterfront. To protect the one woman who matters, Nick and his trusty canine partner will risk everything to rescue her and Seattle from disaster.
Embroiled in Grayce Walters’ most perilous case—a terrorist plot with the threat of deadly explosives—can Nick and Hollie work together to save themselves and each other before it’s too late?

Even though I liked the storyline, I couldn't really get into the book. I read about the hero and the heroine falling in love, okay, in insta-love, actually but I couldn't feel it. The hero, Sergeant Nick Welby is rather determined in his pursuit of Hollie, our heroine and even though I understand where he is coming from and I read all about his reasons for acting the way he does - I don't really get it. It's just a bit too much, a bit too determined, too strong.

When Hollie's boss, the veterinarian Grayce Walters, is threatened by terrorists, I can't really understand why she becomes a target because, well, it didn't make sense in my eyes.
With Grayce and Hollie's lives on the line, Nick and his bomb-sniffing dog Talley have to work hard to prevent the worst - and somehow without really knowing anything about the situation, those two save the day despite other equally trained people being around who know much more about everything that's happening. That might happen but... well.

Soooo.... I liked Hollie and I liked Nick and Talley - and I even liked other books by Jackie Delecki that I've read but somehow this book and I, we were not a good match. I'd rate it weak three stars, rather 2,5 actually.


Thursday, 12 July 2018

Bad Habits by Staci Hart - Release Day!




Boxed Set by  Staci Hart


It's out today


*This box set includes three full length, bestselling novels, plus an exclusive epilogue novella.*

 FREE in Kindle Unlimited! 
Amazon Universal:

Add to GoodReads:


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Model Boyfriend by Stuart Reardon and Jane Harvey-Berrick


 A powerful contemporary romance set in the fast-moving world of international modelling.

"What’s it like dating one of the most beautiful men in the world? A man whose face is on every magazine and ad campaign?

Not as much fun as it sounds, as Anna Scott is about to find out.

Retired from rugby at the age of 33, injured and bored, Nick is given the chance to enter the high stakes world of fashion photography as a model.

But behind the glittering façade lies an ugly reality: drugs, alcohol, all the deadly sins, and people willing to sleep their way to the top.

It’s a tough life and tougher on relationships.

Nick needs to learn to navigate the treacherous path quickly or risk losing it all—including the woman who has become his reason for living.

In this glamorous world, there is no room for error. Being a MODEL BOYFRIEND has never been harder.

Can nice guy Nick find his way through, or will he be tempted to risk it all? Because the one thing he despises is failure.

He’s a lot more than a pretty face."

This story continues where UNDEFEATED left off, although it can also be read as a stand-alone story in its own right.

After having read "Undefeated" I waited rather impatiently for this book to find out more about Nick and Anna's story. I loved "Undefeated" but "Model Boyfriend" was even more intense and unputdownable.
Learning more about the world of modelling and photo shootings - wow, I'm not sure that I really wanted to know it all! This world is so hard and brutal, I was really shocked.

The brutality of this life combined with the sense of loss and drifting after retiring from a sport that defined your whole life, the trials that Anna and Nick, our hero and our heroine, have to face when their past once again comes to haunt them as in "full-fledged poltergeist-mode haunt them" - all of this is part of a very intense story that is captivating and romantic as well as sexy and simply beautiful - and hard.

You feel with Anna and Nick when they have to fight for their happiness, you are with them when they have to compromise and you swoon and smile when both of them, even Nick realize what really counts. I love that those two never really let anything come between them, they care too much for each other and they talk about the things that count.

Parts of the story are inspired by Stuart Reardon's own story so I fear that those two authors know what they are talking about when they tell about the world of international modelling and its harsh realities. I loved that the book and its story are still positive even though the authors don't gloss anything over but tell it as they see it.
Now I am waiting again for the next book ... not so patiently...


Monday, 9 July 2018

Pre-Order Blast! BAD HABITS BOXED SET by Staci Hart

Six best friends. Three love stories. One big city. Countless laughs.

The Bad Habits Boxed Set, a must read collection from Staci Hart is coming July 12th!

Don’t miss this STEAL of a deal that includes three bestselling, full-length novels and an all-new bonus epilogue, all for the special pre-order price of 99¢!

West Williams has been friends with Lily since the day she moved into their building and he saved her armoire from a swift, sudden death by staircase. Their friendship has always been easy, the boundaries clearly defined. With neither of them willing to risk their relationship, they’ve drifted happily through the years as companions, never considering more. Until they do. And that realization changes everything.

Everyone knows you should never say never. Cooper never saw Maggie coming--she was just his best friend’s little sister, the curly-haired, freckle-faced girl from Mississippi who was absolutely off limits. Maggie never expected to find her fiancé banging her maid of honor an hour before she was set to walk down the aisle, but life’s funny that way. The only option to save her sanity is to get the hell out of Jackson and move to New York where her brother lives. The only downside: Cooper is there too. And she just doesn’t know if she can stay away from him — the filthy rich, dead sexy playboy who’s allergic to commitment. 


Patrick Evans is no stranger to consequences. When your mother walks out, your dad drifts away. When you leave home, you’re on your own. And when you run away from the girl you love, you lose her. He finally has an opportunity to rebuild the bridge he burned with Rose, and it’s not one he’ll take for granted. But he’ll have to fight for her, even if it hurts. Even if it means he’ll walk away brokenhearted. Because deep down, he knows that she’s it for him. The trick will be to get her to admit she feels it too.


Who has babies? Who's getting married? Who has a horrible pun battle, and who tosses their cookies? Find out in this exclusive 30,000 word novella that follows the Habits crew through their very own happy endings.

*This box set includes three full length, bestselling novels, plus an exclusive epilogue novella.*

Don’t miss out!
Pre-Order your copy today for only 99¢
Amazon Universal:

About the Author
Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife, though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey.

From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's reading, sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Rose (Red Hot Love #3) by Elle Casey #Rose


Wednesday, 4 July 2018

The Duke and I (Saints and Sinners 1) by Heather Boyd #TheDukeAndI #NetGalley


Widowed Nicolas Westfall, the Duke of Stapleton, cannot prevent the upcoming debut of his youngest daughter no matter how much he wishes her eventual marriage wouldn’t leave him all alone. Convinced to host a Christmas Ball to prepare her for the season, he’s aware he’s considered a catch on the marriage mart too, but Nicolas is drawn to companion Gillian Thorpe instead.

Gillian was hired to prepare the duke’s daughter for her first season, but it's not easy when the girl hasn’t the least interest in the men and its the widowed father makes her knees weak when he laughs with her. Gillian respects and admires (perhaps too frequently) the Duke of Stapleton and when she’s lured into a mistletoe kiss with him, will she be able to stop at one or even want to?

Note: A shorter version of the Duke and I was previously published in the Hot Winter Nights Racy Regency Christmas Collection.

Oh my goodness, this book was so sweet! Seriously, I simply couldn't put it down because I loved those characters so hard.

The story itself, well, it is nothing unusual, him falling for the unsuitable servant, his daughter's companion with or without wedding bells ringing at the hopefully happy ending but those characters made it very special. I loved Nicolas and his unabashed pursuit of Gillian. You can feel their chemistry and talk about sparks, right? It's fireworks, actually.
And don't get me started on Gillian, she is such a delight with her refreshing honest, her lovelyness and her capability to love (and to protect when it comes to her young charge and those around them). I loved that despite him pursuing someone in his employ, you never feel like Nicolas was pressuring Gillian, all their interactions are based on respect and honor and of course - love. The kind of love that doesn't care about outward appearances or status but that feels deep and warm and turns those fireworks into some kind of glowing and heart-warming fire.

I really enjoyed reading this book and felt myself grinning and swooning all the way to the last page!


Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Highlander Most Wanted (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2) by Maya Banks



In Highlander Most Wanted, a reclusive woman content to live in the shadows shows a Highland warrior the true meaning of love.

Genevieve McInnes is locked behind the fortified walls of McHugh Keep, captive of a cruel laird who takes great pleasure in ruining her for any other man. Yet when Bowen Montgomery storms the gates on a mission of clan warfare, Genevieve finds that her spirit is bent but not broken. Still, her path toward freedom remains uncertain. Unable to bear the shame of returning to a family that believes her dead or to abandon others at the keep to an imposing new laird, Genevieve opts for the peaceful life of an abbess. But Bowen’s rugged sensuality stirs something deep inside her that longs to be awakened by his patient, gentle caress—something warm, wicked, and tempting.
Bowen seizes his enemy’s keep, unprepared for the brooding and reclusive woman who captures his heart. He’s enchanted by her fierce determination, her unusual beauty, and her quiet, unfailing strength. But wooing her will take more than a seasoned seducer’s skill. For loving Genevieve, he discovers, means giving her back the freedom that was stolen from her—even if it means losing her forever.

I love all the Highlander books by Maya Banks but I must admit that Geneviève and Bowen very quickly won my heart completely and absolutely. Geneviève and her fate made me really mad and when Bowen was there to stand up for her, when he became her champion...sigh. Those two are a wonderful couple. Their way to each other is not easy and knowing what I knew about her life with the McHughs, I was furious when Bowen misjudged Geneviève at the beginning but I soon forgave him.

I loved the story and the characters a lot and didn't put the book down once I had started reading it. This was one of those "one more chapter" books that draw you in and don't let you go till the end.
Despite the fact that some things like the hatred and the actions of the McHughs seem a bit overdone and a bit too much to be completely convincing, I loved the whole atmosphere and the characters so much that I just didn't care.

A heartwarming and sweet story with a strong and resilient heroine and her future partner, despicable villains and a well-plotted story with some twists and turns and lots of suspense - I loved this book and can't wait to read the next book in this series!


Monday, 2 July 2018

Born Wild (Wolf Hollow Shifters #3) by Nikki Jefford



After escaping his human captors, Wolfrik returns to Wolf Hollow covered in scars and hostility. He wants nothing to do with pack politics and refuses to play nice.


Ever since Kallie’s foot was permanently maimed in a vulhena attack, she’s been relocated to the den where Palmer—the pack’s elder and council member—is after her to become his third mate.

A heated encounter with Wolfrik gives Kallie an idea. If she can convince the wild wolf to be her bedmate, Palmer will finally leave her alone.

But when an unexpected bond forms between the pair, Kallie may have bitten off more than she can chew. Is the aggressive pureblood too damaged to settle down with a mate?


Forced to face his inner demons, or lose the woman he loves, Wolfrik must confront the past he’s tried so hard to forget. But the past is about to catch up to him and old enemies could doom the entire hollow.

What a ride! I loved the first two books in this series but "Born Wild" might be even better than those!

Kallie and Wolfrik, our hero and our heroine are damaged and hurt and you just want them to be happy again. Reading about Wolfrik and his time with the humans, his final fight and everything that led to his escape makes you feel with him and hope that finally his life might take a turn for the better. Might. If there wasn't his past coming to visit...or rather haunt him. And Kallie? Well, nobody likes to be pressured into an unwanted relationship but the way Palmer pursues her - yeah, I got so mad at him! He was simply disgusting. Not taking no for an answer, thinking himself the answer to every woman's dreams....nope. I really didn't like him. Not. At. All.
When Wolfrik entered the scene and a certain bond formed between him and Kallie, I started to hope that those two would heal each other. Kallie's injury left her with a lot of pain and a bleak future that might turn into something much better - if those two can overcome not only their personal demons but also the threat from Wolfriks past.

Well written as always, this book is another one in a great series that I really loved reading and that I can wholeheartedly recommend!
