Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Monday, 18 July 2016

Reforming Harriet (Love in Disguise #4) - Eileen Putman


I already read a couple of books by Eileen Putnam and really liked them but "Reforming Harriet" and I didn't get along that well. Somehow it took me ages just to read the first third of it. Things got a bit better afterwards but on the whole I had a problem with the characters and the plot.

Apart from the hero being a bit too much a victim of his higly developed olfactorial senses and the heroine being part naive and part disillusioned and disappointed by life I don't really get the feeling that they belong together, that they fall for each other. The supposed help or the intrigues of the other characters are not convincing either.

There are some rather unexpected twists but mostly they are unexpected due to the fact that they don't make sense, there is no reason for them to take place. One example is their faked betrothal. I didn't understand what that was about, it didn't make sense, especially when one looks at the conditions and at what she is giving up for this farce.

Somehow I got the feeling that she was living on love and air because she didn't need money, gave it up (but, well, she needed it, didn't she?) but, well, no love either so.... Her resources seem to be endless even though they are clearly limited and ... well. Misunderstandings and their likes litter their way and make life complicated and their love difficult. All in all it is rather predictable even though on the whole it is well written and I really liked the idea of the story.
So, not bad but not exactly my cup of tea either.




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