...or: If you love Jane Austen, you have to visit
Well, before actually arriving at the city centre, we saw a....you won't believe it, but....
a really nice and cozy bookshop!
Topping & Company
looks rather small from the outside but at the inside it is quite big but cozy and inviting. There are several wooden stools and tables where you can sit down and browse and there are ladders that help you find the nicest books. If you want, you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (for free) while browsing. Passionate hunters and gatherers might find some interesting books as well, as the shop also has first editions and signed editions of many different modern books on offer.
looks rather small from the outside but at the inside it is quite big but cozy and inviting. There are several wooden stools and tables where you can sit down and browse and there are ladders that help you find the nicest books. If you want, you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (for free) while browsing. Passionate hunters and gatherers might find some interesting books as well, as the shop also has first editions and signed editions of many different modern books on offer.
Let's just enter and look around a bit:
A bit farther down the aisle, you can see one of the tables and on the right side you can see the corner with the children's books:
Looking back from the end of the shop towards the main part:
And an impression of the room at the end of the shop:
This is definitely a bookshop that is worth a visit when you are in the area!
But the city centre was calling:
I must admit that the Assembly Rooms with the Fashion Museum were nice but they didn't leave that much of a lasting impression. Then we arrived at the Jane Austen Centre.
The Beautiful Cassandra and The History of England found their way to me at the Austen Centre, those books were missing in my "collection".
At the end of the day we went back to the camping site because the next day we wanted to go to .....?
~To be continued~
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