Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Friday, 14 November 2014

Es ist angekommen.....

....mein wunderschönes neues Buch! Ja, zur Abwechslung ein Buch, ich weiß, öfter mal was Neues.
Dieses Buch habe ich bei einem Halloween-Gewinnspiel auf dem Blog von allthatmagic gewonnen.

Richard Flanagans "The Narrow Road to the deep North" , das dieses Jahr den Man Booker Price gewonnen hat. Muss ich erwähnen, dass ich richtig richtig gespannt bin? Und ich finde, es sieht einfach toll aus:

The Narrow Road to the Deep North is a love story unfolding over half a century between a doctor and his uncle’s wife.
Taking its title from one of the most famous books in Japanese literature, written by the great haiku poet Basho, Flanagan’s novel has as its heart one of the most infamous episodes of Japanese history, the construction of the Thailand-Burma Death Railway in World War II.
In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle’s young wife two years earlier. Struggling to save the men under his command from starvation, from cholera, from beatings, he receives a letter that will change his life forever.



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