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Je suis Charlie

Friday, 31 January 2020

Lilian and the Irresistible Duke by Virginia Heath #LilianAndTheIrressistibleDuke

Lilian and the Irresistible Duke by Virginia Heath


A reunion in Rome…

Sparks an affair to remember!

Part of Secrets of a Victorian Household. Responsible widow Lilian Fairclough is persuaded to travel to Rome for a hard-earned break and to let down her hair! She’s surprised to be reunited with passionate, cynical Italian duke Pietro Venturi. He reawakens her sensual side and intrigues her with glimpses of pain beneath his rakish surface. Enticed into a secret and temporary affair, what will happen once she returns home? 


Last year I was in Rome and I loved it because it is a fascinating city but when I read Lilian and the Irresistible Duke, I caught myself wishing for someone like Lilian at my side if I ever go there again. Her open mind, her fascination and her love of art and culture make everything seem even more special than it already is.

I could understand Pietro so well when he fell for Lilian, she was such a refreshing character. She was mature and intelligent, well educated and interested in almost everything but despite all that and despite the life she led with all its responsibilities and loss, she had a certain naivete, a certain ability to enjoy Rome and its treasures that I felt drawn in as well by her personality and her love of life and art. 

Pietro, whose former short-lived marriage had been a nightmare, fights hard but somehow his certain ...interest...that was safe and familiar and meaningless in the long run, turns into something more. Much more. With time running out and the two of them living so far apart, things seem rather desperate and hopeless.
A beautiful story full of love and second chances. I really loved reading this book.




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