Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

The Time Traveler's Christmas (Guardian of Scotland #3) by Amy Jarecki



 A man’s life can fall apart in an instant…

Well, it is a story about christmas and as christmas has its own magic, I won't think too long about some of the (very rare, admittedly) slightly mystic parts. Considering the fact, that this is a book about timetravel no further thinking is necessary, I guess, especially as the mystic parts make some things right that I have had a big problem with in other books, soooo.... Alright, I won't tell more, you'll just have to read and see for yourself!

I really really liked this book and couldn't put it down. Its story is rather different, well plotted and captivating. The characters are multi-layered and not just intersting but they are also amazing and very authentic. You can see Llachlan, trying to adept to life in the 16th century and somehow fitting in, adapting to it and building a life there. And of course, you can but feel with Lady Christina whose son was taken from her as a wee child of two , growing up far from her among their enemies while she herself was a prisoner in her own home.
I also loved Andrew, her son, dearly who has to fight the devils of his childhood, his feelings of loss and loneliness.

Usually I like Robert the Bruce but I didn't like him that much in this book, I must admit. He is more ruthless and a wonderful example of a male member of a society that had no problem in marrying women of like cattle. At least, in this case, when it comes to kings, the men don't have that much to say either when it comes to marriage. But, back to business or better - back to the book.

Falling asleep while cat-sitting at his Uncle Walter's place, Llachlan never expected to wake up in the middle of a battle in the 14th century. Right in the middle. Right on the battlefield. That's one of those occasions where being a martial arts expert comes in really handy especially when there's a beautiful woman to rescue.
Helping Christina to get her son back, Llachlan never thought that he'd learn so much about himself and his own history in a place or rather a time like this. Actually it all comes down to one question: Who was Eva? Or ist it - "when" was Eva?
Falling in love is never easy when you don't know how much time you have left or who might be granted your hand the other day...

I really enjoyed this beautiful and captivating Yuletide story!


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