Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Whittling Book, Gift Edition: Fun, Easy-To-Make Projects with Your Swiss Army Knife by Chris Lubkemann



With this pocket-sized guidebook and a trusty Swiss Army Knife, readers will be ready to whittle wherever they go. World-famous whittler Chris Lubkemann shows how to carve 43 useful and whimsical objects using nothing more than a stick and an Original Swiss Army(R) Knife. Chris offers step-by-step instructions for all the traditional whittling favorites like spoons, forks, and flowers, plus some decidedly funny animals and the classic curly tail rooster. He also provides sage advice on how to choose wood, sharpen a blade, and safely control your knife. Published in collaboration with Victorinox(R) AG, makers of the Original Swiss Army Knife.

When I was a kid, I loved to whittle away and had a whole set of woodcarving knives.

This book shows how to sharpen you swiss army knife just right for whittling and tells you a number of tricks and things worth knowing if you want to make some amazing and pretty things.
What is more important - you learn that you don't need more than this one knife to have fun and to make some great stuff. You just have to sharpen your knife and start whittling - after chosing the right kind of wood, of course.

This book includes many examples of things that you can create just by using some wood and your swiss army knife likes forks and spoons, sailboats, owls and other things to name must a few of them.
Any question you might have, will be answered in this book and it'll help you create wonderful and unique things for yourself or as gifts for friends and family.

I really liked this book and can recommend it!


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