Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Ednah Walters - author and friend

So many stories left untold... 

An amazing author and wonderful friend has left us.

Unexpectedly and far too soon.

Ednah Walters

Like many others in the indie community, I met Ednah online. Ever since 2014 when I "met" her first, we've talked and celebrated our love for books and I fell in love with her books and the worlds she created.
Ednah was not just an amazing author but also a wonderful friend who encouraged, whom you could talk to and whose wit and humor I loved. 
I had been looking forward to meeting her in London in February where she planned to be at the RARE London. This would have been the first time that we met since meeting online in 2014. I must admit that I had been luring her with the promise of a real cider lately to make sure that she would really come ...and who could resist real cider, right?

Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet her in February and I won't be able to tease her and chat with her anymore as she passed away last night.  Like many others out there, I will sorely miss her. She made my life brighter and her death leaves me devastated and shocked.
My heart goes out to her family who lost someone very special and very dear.

Oh, and Ednah - yeah, at least for once I'll admit: You ARE awesomER 😉 than I am. 

Love you and will miss you. Deeply.

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