Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Moonlight over Manhattan by Sarah Morgan


I loved this book, plain and simple. I laughed and swooned a lot, I felt with our heroine and I really really hoped for this magical HEA - and the author delivered. A wonderful, very christmassy and very amazing and wonderful story that kept me glued to my reader. I just had to know what happened next and if the two of them would fall in love and overcome their obstacles. Those obstacles might not have been that huge from the outside but, as they are rather personal, from the inside it looked very different.

Getting to know Harriet and witnessing her warmth and her loving nature, seeing Ethan rediscover his heart and his feelings, I was so happy to see Harriet grow stronger and more secure of herself. She takes her life into her own hands but she still manages to care for others and to be there for them.
Okay, I might have wanted to kick Ethan the one or the other time but, well, let's just say that he is able to learn rather quickly and - considering his former relationships- I forgave him in the end.
The characters are authentic and real, it is very easy to take them into your heart and to feel with them. Harriet hasn't had an easy childhood but she didn't become bitter or hard but stayed warm and supportive. It is good to see how much she cares for her brother and sister and how close those three are but it is even better to see her spread her wings, gaining confidence and finding her own way.
Family is important to both of them and even though their families and their dynamics are completely different they are a very important part of their lives and a big support.

Warm, witty and very much in the spirit of the season, I really loved this book and will definitely read it again, probably next Christmas.


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