Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Monday, 17 June 2019

BRAND NEW COVERS.... #RelentlesSeries

...for the most amazing series around! 

Do you remember the 
Relentless series by Karen Lynch?

and Nikolas' book 

It's Roland's story next:

And then there was Chris...

...and last but definitely not least but the full package and so much more because Jordan is the...


Aren't they simply gorgeous?!? I can't decide which one I love best because they are all amazing! 

 The Trilogy, well, it's not just a cover but it's also a story there that is told in these three covers and I love it! 
Warrior? Strong, passionate Nikolas and his swords are so much  THIS, this cover fits him perfectly!
Haven, with our wolves who love nature and this cover with its warm and earthy tones and, oh, so much more!
Fated for Chris and our dove...and of course Jordan's
Hellion. Pinkish, girly and at the same time, strong and intense and, well, the dagger...that's a story for another time, right? 

Did I mention that I love these covers? I loved the old ones as well but these are simply stunning!

And? Do you like them?

(By the way - these beauties were created by
The Illustrated Author Design Services)

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