Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Monday, 19 June 2017

Authors at the #RARE17 and their books (A.M.Hargrove/Amy Plum)

Soooo...I met A.M.Hargrove at the RARE 17 in Berlin. She is one of the authors whose books I' ve read as part of my "preparation" for the RARE for the first time - and instantly fell in love with her books! You might remember that I've read For the love of English in March as well as her latest book A Special Obsession. Next in line on my reader is her book Exquisite Betrayal.

A. M. Hargrove





Another author I met at the #RARE17 was Amy Plum. I knew her books of course long before the RARE as I read all the books of her wonderful Revenant-Series, starting with Die for me. Those books are also available in
German, by the way, and if you are a cover-addict like me, you just have to love that edition, it has has such  a beautiful cover!
I've also read After the End and on Saturday I realized that I had not only missed that the sequel to it is already out but that there is also another duology out, Dreamfall and Neverwake, so I still have some other books of Amy Plum's to look forward to!


  1. Ich Depp habe Amy Plum verpasst :-P Die Cover sind wirklich toll. Generell bin ich bei sehr vielen Autorinnen einfach stehengeblieben, weil ich die Cover ihrer Bücher so schön fand :-)

    1. Oh ja, da merke ich doch immer wieder, dass ich eine Cover-Leserinbin - und dass ebooks eine ganz feine Sache sind, aber so ein echtes Buch doch noch was anderes ist!


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