Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Monday, 19 June 2017

On the road to... #RARE17

*In German*


This Friday, after counting down the days for a while now, we were finally, finally on our way to ...

Berlin? Yes, because the...


took place there. The RARE is a signing event that had lots and lots of readers and authors traveling to Berlin who brought loads and loads of books. Some of those books were in German, most of them in English. Apart from the english-speaking authors there were also some german authors around. The main focus  was - how could it be different at an event called Romance Author and Reading Event  - on books about love and romance. And reading.
I don't really have to mention that not many men were seen at the event, no?😉 Some men were seen who were brave enough to accompany their wives or girlsfriends but their number was rather low.

Well, back to Friday, when my daughter and I had not arrived at the RARE yet but on our camping site in Berlin.
This rather rustic setting was but twenty something minutes off the center where we just had to go to  "Dussmann, das Kulturkaufhaus", a big book shop for a late night shopping trip. It wasn't that we really needed more books but Dussmann's sounded interesting, was said to have a big range of english books and it is open till midnight, so - pretty much irresistible, right? And, well, Dussmann was really amazing! It is very very big of course and has an amazing selection of books. Not just english books but also french, portuguese, dutch and some others as well as german books, of course and sheet music, music, dvds and ...well, everything. Somehow the one or the other book found its way to us. It is definitely different when you have a chance to hold a book (sniff it), read a bit in it and, well, feel it to choosing one simply based on what you read at your computer, one-clicking it or whatever. Old-fashioned, I know, but somehow those books are even more irresistible this way- not that we tried too hard to overcome that temptation. And yes, it is
 Wonderwoman. 😉The other books are Songs About a Girl by Chris Russell, The Darks Days Club von Alison Goodman and At the Existentialist CafĂ©: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails by

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