Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Monday, 9 October 2017

It was my birthday....

...and somehow my books have multiplied 😉:

Some of them are the books by Ednah Walters, that I love most and that I just had to have as printbooks as well (the reason why I got so very many books this year):

Her beautiful (and amazing) Storm-Trilogy, that won an award for the
Best Cover at the Penned Con 2017.

Indulge und Intrigue, two books that are part of her Infinitus Billionaire series,

Witches und Goddess, the books from her Runes series that I love best, as well as the 
Eirik-books from this series:

and of course Fated, the book by Ednah, that will forever remind me, how much it meant to Ednah, that not only this was the forst of her covers that had a person of color on on it but that 
her heroine, Lana Longhorn was one as well.

Another book that found its way to me yesterday, is Tula by Jurgis Kunčinas, 
that was given to me by a Lithuanian friend of ours:

And just because you can never have too many books, I also got  Before I go to sleep   by S.J.Watson, that sounds very very interesting
(isn't this bookmark cute!?)

My family surprised me with the
Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts by Christopher De Hamel

and the guide for our next trip to Great Britain:
Another new book on my shelf is this beauty
that I'm reading with a group of people on LovelyBooks :

 Winter may come, I am prepared! 😊

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